Genetic and Congenital
Journal Scan

Is Hemoptysis Cause by Congenital Pulmonary Artery Anomalies or P. multocida Infection?

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Unilateral absence of pulmonary artery (UAPA) is a rare congenital anomaly. In this case report, a female patient with hemoptysis (the spitting of blood from the lung parenchyma or airways) was admitted to the authors clinic. Pasteurella multocida was isolated in sputum, as well as from a nasopharyngeal swab of the patient’s dog. The patient was diagnosed with UAPA and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Respiratory P. multocida often occur as a result from contact with animal secretions, and most often in patients who are immunocompromised. Although hemoptysis is rare in cases of P. multocida infection, it is common in cases of UAPA. The authors, however concluded that in this case the hemoptysis was most likely caused by the P. multocida infection since it stopped after treatment and did not reoccur over the 6 year follow up period.


Jankovic J, Vesovic R, Djurdjevic N, Mitic J. Hemoptysis. Is it caused by pasteurella multocida infection or congenital pulmonary artery anomalies? Germs. 2019;9(4):193-197.

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